วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 14 Oct 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 14 Oct 2022

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Registration of Death

Submission for Registration of Death for Thai national who pass way in Singapore.

The informer must be

  1. Parents or
  2. Spouse (have marriage certificate) or
  3. Children, legally adopted children, siblings or
  4. The person authorized by the person under (1) (2) or (3)

Step to be taken:

  1. Bring “Certificate of Registration of Death” to certify true copy by Singapore Academy of Law
  2. Submit the required documents to the Thai Embassy, Monday – Thursday, 9.30 -11.30 am.:
  • “Certificate of Registration of Death” been certified by Singapore Academy of Law (certify on the photocopy)
  • Permission to Export a coffin containing a corpse (in case of bring body back to Thailand)
  • Embalming Certificate (in case of bring body back to Thailand)
  • Sealing Certificate (for bring body back to Thailand case)
  • Letter form Health Sciences Authority indicate that the body has no indication of Covid-19 (in case of bring body back to Thailand)
  • Application for cremation (in case of cremation in Singapore)
  • Collection of cremated remains (in case cremation in Singapore)
  • Deceased’s Passport
  • Deceased’s Thai IC.
  • Deceased’s Singapore Resident permit card
  • Informer’s Passport
  • Informer’s NRIC
  • Documents to prove relationship between deceased and informer
  • Authorized letter (in case of Authorized)
  • Fee S$30.- in cash

All documents need to submit with photocopy 1 set

3 working days to process