Minister of Labour, visited Singapore to attend the 13th ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Meeting (ALMM+3)

Minister of Labour, visited Singapore to attend the 13th ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Meeting (ALMM+3)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 30 Oct 2024

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H.E. Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, Minister of Labour, visited Singapore to attend the 13th ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Meeting (ALMM+3) from October 30-31, 2024. H.E. Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Ambassador of Thailand to Singapore, also attended the meeting. The Minister served as Vice Chairman of the meeting, as Thailand will assume the chairmanship of the meeting in the next two years.
The Minister expressed Thailand’s readiness to take on the chairmanship and presented his vision for Thailand’s labour policy focusing on the development of labour skills to meet the changing demands driven by new innovations (Upskill, Reskill, Newskill). He also emphasised the policies to support the development of new industries and tourism, which have become even more significant to the Thai economy.
During the meeting, the Minister held bilateral discussions with the Labour Ministers of Singapore, Cambodia, and Vietnam to strengthen their labour cooperation and enhance benefits and welfare of Thai workers in these countries.
On October 31, 2024, Mr. Phiphat also visited the Royal Thai Embassy and the Labour Office, and met with Singaporean manufacturers and Thai labour volunteers. On this occasion, the Ambassador hosted a working dinner at her residence, where they exchanged views on promoting the welfare of Thai workers in Singapore and Singapore’s best practices in labour development that Thailand can learn.

